按钮点击追踪可能是网站运营中最常见的需求之一。现在,通过GA4 和 Google 跟踪代码管理器(GTM)的配合,我们可以轻易实现追踪,甚至可以导入到google ads,辅助广告优化。
1、获取尽可能多的关于按钮的信息首先,我们需要创建一个触发器,或更具体地说,创建一个通用点击触发器。这将允许 GTM 监听与点击相关的事件。
在 Google 跟踪代码管理器中,我们可以选择 2 个点击触发选项:
• All Elements
• Just links
Just links是一种常见的方式,因为许多按钮本质上是用户点击的装饰链接。但是,如果您的按钮恰好不是链接,您将无法获得更多信息来跟踪。
这就是为什么我们喜欢使用All Elements作为触发器类型。此触发器类型能够侦听任何内容(例如图像、文件、按钮、空白区域等)和链接上发生的点击。它只是更通用、更通用。
创建一个新触发器并选择All Elements。
现在,GTM 可以识别何时发生点击,无论是链接点击还是任何元素点击。
要获取有关点击的信息,请转到 Google 跟踪代码管理器并启用与点击相关的所有内置变量。这些变量将为我们提供所需的大部分点击详细信息,例如Click Text,它会显示按钮上的文本。
在 GTM 工作区中,选择Variables,然后选择Configure。
返回我们的产品页面,让我们单击Add to Cart按钮。(在这里,添加购物车仅仅是示例,你可以把这个方法应用在任何按钮)
前往 Google 跟踪代码管理器的调试界面。识别Summary下的Click事件并选择它。查看之前启用的变量向我们展示了什么信息。
重点关注我们已启用的变量(Click Classes, Click ID, Click Target, Click Text, and Click URL),尽力识别按钮特有的数据。
通常,许多按钮都是构建为链接的,这意味着您的 Click URL 变量值很有可能显示链接。您可以将其用于您的触发条件。
但是,很多时候并非所有维度的数据都齐全。在我们的示例中,Click URL没有值,这时我们可以使用另外两条信息:
• Click Classes,值为:single_add_to_cart_button button alt
• Click Text,值为: Add to cart
需要注意的是,Click Classes和Click Text很有可能不是唯一值,该方法只适用于追踪网站所有同类按钮。
如果我们仅仅只需要追踪与 Ninja 产品的添加到购物车按钮,怎样才能做到这一点呢?
为此,我们将使用 Chrome 开发人员工具。如果您不熟悉,只需按照以下步骤操作即可。
这将使您能够访问浏览器的开发人员工具来查看按钮的 HTML 和 CSS 源代码。
单击键盘上的CTRL + F来过滤 HTML 文档。
复制并粘贴该类并将其粘贴到过滤器中。我们将复制粘贴single_add_to_cart_button 按钮 alt。
如果过滤器结果是1 of 1 ,这意味着该按钮的类仅有唯一一项。使用与此按钮相关的 GTM 点击类只会跟踪此按钮,而不会跟踪另一个按钮。
如果结果超过 1 个,而您只想追踪特定按键,不是同类的所有按键,则需要进一步过滤。
解决方案是在触发器中添加页面 URL ,以仅跟踪位于 Flying Ninja 海报所在位置的“添加到购物车”按钮。
3、设置触发器让我们回到All Elements触发器。
默认情况下,我们的触发器会帮助我们检测所有用户点击。我们需要从All Clicks切换为Some Clicks。
接下来是触发条件的设置,在我们的例子中是:Click Classes → contains → single_add_to_cart_button
4、创建标签首先,我们创建一个新的 GA4 事件代码。 Tag Type选择Google Analytics: GA4 Event,再根据GA4的衡量ID对应选择Configuration Tag。如果没有预设的Tag,则选择None - Manually Set ID,再手动填入衡量ID即可。
然后我们需要命名我们的事件。建议button_click。遵从Google 的命名规则的最佳实践是小写字母加下划线。
此外,最好不要发明名称,而应该首先查看 Google 跟踪的内容。增强测量中会跟踪点击次数,但没有任何特定于按钮点击的内容。他们将事件命名为Click,我们也可以使用它。
此时,我们可以像这样将事件发送到 GA4。
但是,我们希望向 GA4 发送有关此次点击的更多详细信息,因此我们将使用事件参数。
按钮的文本和页面位置对我们很有价值,因此我们将添加 2 个自定义参数。
▶ 注意:我们讨论的命名事件的方法与命名事件参数的方法相同。建议使用推荐事件或增强测量列表中任何适合您需求的事件。如果您选择为事件参数使用自定义名称,并且想要在 GA4 报告(自定义维度)中使用,则参数的数量将被限制为 50 个。
Google 的推荐事件和增强型测量没有与按钮文本相关的参数。我们能找到的最接近的是link_text。link_text参数用于文件下载 。
你也可以自定义Parameter Name。例如,button_text,甚至click_text。
由于目标是显示按钮文本的值,因此我们可以从之前启用的Click Text变量中获取值。
选择Click Text。
如果我们还想知道按钮所在的页面。只需重复上述过程并在Value下选择Page页面 URL即可。
启用Preview模式并单击Add to cart按钮。
在 GA4 的 DebugView 中,您将看到即将发生的事件。
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Meets ErnestHemingway
The New York Times
July 26, 1981
I recognized him immediately, passingwith his wife Mary Welsh on the Boulevard St. Michel in Paris one rainy springday in 1957. He walked on the other side of the street, in the direction of theLuxembourg Gardens, wearing a very worn pair of cowboy pants, a plaid shirt anda ballplayer's cap. The only thing that didn't look as if it belonged to himwas a pair of metal-rimmed glasses, tiny and round, which gave him a prematuregrandfatherly air. He had turned 59, and he was large and almost toovisible,but he didn't give the impression of brutal strength that heundoubtedly wished to, because his hips were narrow and his legs looked alittle emaciated above his coarse lumberjack shoes. He looked so alive amid thesecondhand bookstalls and the youthful torrent from the Sorbonne that it wasimpossible to imagine he had but four years left to live.
For a fraction of a second, as alwaysseemed to be the case, I found myself divided between my two competing roles. Ididn't know whether to ask him for an interview or cross the avenue to expressmy unqualified admiration for him. But with either proposition, I faced thesame great inconvenience. At the time, I spoke the same rudimentary Englishthat I still speak now, and I wasn't very sure about his bullfighter's Spanish.And so I didn't do either of the things that could have spoiled that moment,but instead cupped both hands over my mouth and, like Tarzan in the jungle,yelled from one sidewalk to the other: ''Maaaeeestro!'' Ernest Hemingwayunderstood that there could be no other master amid the multitude of students,and he turned, raised his hand and shouted to me in Castillian in a verychildish voice, ''Adiooos, amigo!'' It was the only time I saw him.
At the time, I was a 28-year-oldnewspaperman with a published novel and a literary prize in Colombia, but I wasadrift and without direction in Paris. My great masters were the two NorthAmerican novelists who seemed to have the least in common. I had readeverything they had published until then, but not as complementary reading -rather, just the opposite, as two distinct and almost mutually exclusive formsof conceiving of literature. One of them was William Faulkner, whom I had neverlaid eyes on and whom I could only imagine as the farmer in shirtsleevesscratching his arm beside two little white dogs in the celebrated portrait ofhim taken by Cartier-Bresson. The other was the ephemeral man who had just saidgoodbye to me from across the street, leaving me with the impression thatsomething had happened in my life, and had happened for all time.
I don't know who said that novelistsread the novels of others only to figure out how they are written. I believeit's true. We aren't satisfied with the secrets exposed on the surface of thepage: we turn the book around to find the seams. In a way that's impossible toexplain, we break the book down to its essential parts and then put it backtogether after we understand the mysteries of its personal clockwork. Theeffort is disheartening in Faulkner's books, because he doesn't seem to have anorganic system of writing, but instead walks blindly through his biblicaluniverse, like a herd of goats loosed in a shop full of crystal. Managing todismantle a page of his, one has the impression of springs and screws left over,that it's impossible to put back together in its original state. Hemingway, bycontrast, with less inspiration, with less passion and less craziness but witha splendid severity, left the screws fully exposed, as they are on freightcars. Maybe for that reason Faulkner is a writer who has had much to do with mysoul, but Hemingway is the one who had the most to do with my craft - notsimply for his books, but for his astounding knowledge of the aspect ofcraftsmanship in the science of writing. In his historic interview with GeorgePlimpton in The Paris Review, (Hemingway) showed for all time - contrary to theRomantic notion of creativity -that economic comfort and good health areconducive to writing; that one of the chief difficulties is arranging the wordswell; that when writing becomes hard it is good to reread one's own books, inorder to remember that it always was hard; that one can write anywhere so longas there are no visitors and no telephone; and that it is not true thatjournalism finishes off a writer, as has so often been said - rather, just theopposite, so long as one leaves it behind soon enough. ''Once writing hasbecome the principal vice and the greatest pleasure,'' he said, ''only deathcan put an end to it.'' Finally, his lesson was the discovery that each day'swork should only be interrupted when one knows where to begin again the nextday. I don't think that any more useful advice has ever been given aboutwriting. It is, no more and no less, the absolute remedy for the most terriblespecter of writers: the morning agony of facing the blank page.
All of Hemingway's work shows that hisspirit was brilliant but short-lived. And it is understandable. An internaltension like his, subjected to such a severe dominance of technique, can't besustained within the vast and hazardous reaches of a novel. It was his nature,and his error was to try to exceed his own splendid limits. And that is whyeverything superfluous is more noticeable in him than in other writers. Hisnovels are like short stories that are out of proportion, that include toomuch. In contrast, the best thing about his stories is that they give theimpression something is missing, and this is precisely what confers theirmystery and their beauty. Jorge Luis Borges, who is one of the great writers ofour time, has the same limits, but has had the sense not to try to surpassthem.
Francis Macomber's single shot at thelion demonstrates a great deal as a lesson in hunting, but also as a summationof the science of writing. In one of his stories, Hemingway wrote that a bullfrom Liria, after brushing past the chest of the matador, returned like ''a catturning a corner.'' I believe, in all humility, that that observation is one ofthose inspired bits of foolishness which come only from the most magnificentwriters. Hemingway's work is full of such and dazzling discoveries,which reveal the point at which he adjusted his definition of literary writing:that, like an iceberg, it is only well grounded if it is supported below byseveneighths of its volume.
That consciousness of technique isunquestionably the reason Hemingway won't achieve glory with his novels, butwill with his more disciplined short stories. Talking of ''For Whom the BellTolls,'' he said that he had no preconceived plan for constructing the book,but rather invented it each day as he went along. He didn't have to say it:it's obvious. In contrast, his instantaneously inspired short stories areunassailable. Like the three he wrote one May afternoon in a Madrid pension,when a snowstorm forced the cancellation of a bullfight at the feast of SanIsidro. Those stories, as he himself told George Plimpton, were ''TheKillers,'' ''Ten Indians'' and ''Today Is Friday,'' and all three aremagisterial. Along those lines, for my taste, the story in which his powers aremost compressed is one of his shortest ones, ''Cat in the Rain.''
Nevertheless, even if it appears to be amockery of his own fate, it seems to me that his most charming and human workis his least successful one: ''Across the River and Into the Trees.'' It is, ashe himself revealed, something that began as a story and went astray into themangrove jungle of a novel. It is hard to understand so many structural cracksand so many errors of literary mechanics in such a wise technician - anddialogue so artificial, even contrived, in one of the most brilliant goldsmithsin the history of letters. When the book was published in 1950, the criticismwas fierce but misguided. Hemingway felt wounded where he hurt most, and hedefended himself from Havana, sending a passionate telegram that seemedundignified for an author of his stature. Not only was it his best novel, itwas also his most personal, for he had written it at the dawn of an uncertainautumn, with nostalgia for the irretrievable years already lived and a poignantpremonition of the few years he had left to live. In none of his books did heleave much of himself, nor did he find - with all the beauty and all thetenderness - a way to give form to the essential sentiment of his work and hislife: the uselessness of victory. The death of his protagonist, ostensibly sopeaceful and natural, was the disguised prefiguration of his own .
When one lives for so long with awriter's work, and with such intensity and affection, one is left without a wayof separating fiction from reality. I have spent many hours of many daysreading in that cafe in the Place St. Michel that he considered good forwriting because it seemed pleasant, warm, clean and friendly, and I have alwayshoped to find once again the girl he saw enter one wild, cold, blowing day, agirl who was very pretty and fresh-looking, with her hair cut diagonally acrossher face like a crow's wing. ''You belong to me and Paris belongs to me,'' hewrote for her, with that relentless power of appropriation that his writinghad. Everything he described, every instant that was his, belongs to himforever. I can't pass by No. 12 Rue de l'Odeon in Paris without seeing him inconversation with Sylvia Beach, in a bookstore that is now no longer the same,killing time until e six in the evening, when James Joyce might happen to dropby. On the Kenya prairie, seeing them only once, he became the owner of hisbuffaloes and his lions, and of the most intimate secrets of hunting. He becamethe owner of bullfighters and prizefighters, of artists and gunmen who existedonly for an instant while they became his. Italy, Spain, Cuba - half the worldis filled with the places that he appropriated simply by mentioning them. InCojimar, a little village near Havana where the solitary fisherman of ''The OldMan and the Sea'' lived, there is a plaque commemorating his heroic exploits,with a gilded bust of Hemingway. In Finca de la Vigia, his Cuban refuge, wherehe lived until shortly before his death, the house remains intact amid theshady trees, with his diverse collection of books, his hunting trophies, hiswriting lectern, his enormous dead man's shoes, the countless trinkets of lifefrom all over the world that were his until his death, and that go on livingwithout him, with the soul he gave them by the mere magic of his owning them.
Some years ago, I got into the car ofFidel Castro - who is a tenacious reader of literature -and on the seat I saw asmall book bound in red leather. ''It's my master Hemingway,'' Fidel Castrotold me. Really, Hemingway continues to be where one least expects to find him-20 years after his death - as enduring yet ephemeral as on that morning,perhaps in May, when he said ''Goodbye, amigo'' from across the Boulevard St.Michel.
Gabriel GarciaMarquez is the author of ''One Hundred Years of Solitude,'' ''The Autumn of thePatriarch'' and other novels. This article was translated by Randolph Hogan ofThe Times cultural news staff.