1T 要求发到红蓝绿的黑狗三连,单梅林领导力加英雄做成红绿蓝或者红蓝绿即可击破弓凛
2T 由于没死人没有洗牌,在第一回合已经发了红蓝绿的情况下,2T发剩下的双红的几率是较高的,这一面无需两张红卡全爆,只需爆一张伤害就足够。一面黑狗的红蓝绿配合梅林幻术可以打20-30星,爆一张还是不难的。此面需要公牛踢死保罗和梅林。梅林最好70级,这样能保证公牛两下送走,90级的话有可能剩下血皮,我因为没有70级梅林,在这里浪费了大量时间
3T 强化解除后 孔明和助战梅林登场,buff全开,开衣服红魔放的情况下 红蓝红或者红绿红都可以保证打掉这条血。如果发到三红,不需要开衣服技能也能击破,这样可以把红魔放留到4T,甚至一宝90级也够。注意这里孔明的加防不要交,交了梅林就下不去了
4T 助战的70级梅林死起来很快,换人莎翁后buff全开,宝红红带走
It was useless to continue on that road to Guangzong, so Guan Yu proposed to go back to Zhuo, and they retook the road. Two days later they heard the thunder of battle behind some hills. Hastening to the top, they beheld the government soldiers suffering great loss, and they saw the countryside was full of Yellow Scarves. On the rebels' banners were the words Zhang Jue the Lord of Heaven written large.
"We will attack this Zhang Jue!" said Liu Bei to his brothers, and they galloped out to join in the battle.
Zhang Jue had worsted Dong Zhuo and was following up his advantage. He was in hot pursuit when the three brothers dashed into his army, threw his ranks into confusion, and drove him back fifteen miles. Then the brothers returned with the rescued general to his camp.
"What offices have you?" asked Dong Zhuo, when he had leisure to speak to the brothers.
"None," replied they.
And Dong Zhuo treated them with disrespect. Liu Bei retired calmly, but Zhang Fei was furious.
"We have just rescued this menial in a bloody fight," cried Zhang Fei, "and now he is rude to us! Nothing but his death can slake my anger."
Zhang Fei stamped toward Dong Zhuo's tent, holding firmly a sharp sword.
As it was in olden time so it is today, The wight may merit well, Officialdom holds sway; Zhang Fei, the blunt and hasty, Where can you find his peer? But slaying the ungrateful would Mean many deaths a year.
Dong Zhuo's fate will be unrolled in later chapters.
Menial 下贱的人
Slake 平息
Wight 人类
Officialdom 官僚作风
Unroll 展开