IT之家 1 月 16 日消息,未来几个月,部分车主可能会看到苹果的 CarKey 功能出现在现代、劳恩斯 (Genesis) 等品牌的车型中,从而可以用 iPhone 或苹果手表开更多的车。
IT之家了解到,苹果的 CarKey 推出于 2020 年 6 月,是一种存储在 iPhone 或苹果手表钱包应用中的数字钥匙,可以解锁和启动汽车和其他车辆。虽然到目前为止,只有宝马正式支持它,但似乎在 2022 年,支持可能会扩大。
在彭博社《Power On》通讯中,Mark Gurman 称,有消息人士透露,CarKey 将开始在现代汽车和劳恩斯 (Genesis) 的某些车型上出现,预计 CarKey 的功能将在今年夏天为尚未确认的车型推出。
不过到目前为止,现代和劳恩斯都没有公开证实对 CarKey 的支持,但之前曝光的 iOS 代码证实劳恩斯确实有使用了数字密钥。
在 iOS 15 系统中,CarKey 被升级为支持蓝牙低能耗和超宽带,这可能使得它无需事先将 iPhone 从包或口袋中取出即可使用。
值得一提的是,现代汽车 (Hyundai) 一年前曾与苹果 (Apple) 就苹果汽车 (Apple Car) 展开谈判,现在来看现代汽车 (Hyundai) 可能会对 CarKey 提供潜在支持。
文:懂车帝原创 魏微
[懂车帝原创 行业]3月25日,苹果正式推送iOS 13.4 / iPadOS 13.4系统正式版。新系统中除了常规的添加新功能及优化外,有一项更新格外引人关注,那就是名为CarKey的新应用程序编程接口(API),它允许苹果手机和苹果手表锁定和启动兼容CarKey的汽车。也就是说,你的苹果手机或苹果手表,都可以变身为汽车钥匙。
CarKey新功能第一次出现,是在2月5日发布的iOS 13.4第一个beta版本中,当时有国外科技媒体9to5Mac证实iOS 13.4 beta包含引用未发布的“ CarKey”框架的代码字符串,该框架可使苹果手机或苹果手表锁定或解锁兼容的车辆并启动发动机驱动。
9to5Mac的报道还指出,CarKey实质上是存储在电子钱包应用中的数字汽车钥匙。这样一来,当车主接近车辆时,将苹果手机或苹果手表靠近车辆中的NFC(Near Field Communication缩写,即近距离无线通讯技术)读取器,通过Face ID进行身份验证,就可自动解锁车辆。
不过一个小小的NFC难不倒苹果。汽车连通性联盟(CCC)在2019年底就曾颁布一项新的基于NFC的Digital Key 2.0规范,使用NFC的移动设备和车辆,即使兼容设备的电池电量低NFC仍可继续运行。更需注意的是,苹果就是该联盟的成员。
近日,苹果推送了 iOS 13.4的Beta 2 版本,随后有开发者在代码中证实苹果公司当下正在开发一个“CarKey”开发接口。
事实上,在 iOS 13.4 Beta 1 版本中,CarKey 就已经开始浮出水面。利用 CarKey 功能,手机将会变成数字车钥匙,承担锁定、开锁、启动等多种任务,有消息称苹果公司将与特斯拉等汽车品牌展开合作。
据悉了解,CarKey 的使用类似于 NFC 功能,将手机靠近汽车,然后利用面部、指纹、密码甚至无锁的快速方式,就可以解锁汽车。数字车钥匙同样支持分享,通过 iMessages 把数字密钥分享给代驾,就能够完成一次临时授权,比钥匙要方便得多。
而且,即使 iPhone 在没电的情况下同样可以使用CarKey 作为公交卡使用,当 CarKey 功能正式推广使用后,完美没有必要担心因为没电而不能开车的烦恼。
当然,CarKey 还需要汽车在 NFC 功能等硬件方面的支持,由于汽车更新换代和研发缓慢,CarKey 可能会需要十数年的时间才能真正推广开。不过,在今年春节的苹果发布会上,还是很有希望望能够看到 CarKey 功能的正式发布。
大家期待CarKey 功能的正式到来吗?
China’s appetite for fashion is mostly focused on foreign labels, especially when it comes to luxury handbags. But the carefully considered titles that image-conscious luxury brands give their bags aren’t necessarily how China’s shoppers refer to them.
In an April report, consultancy McKinsey & Company noted that China’s young luxury shoppers aren’t loyal to brands so much as to “iconic brand-product combinations.” The French, English, and Italian names those products bear, however, can be difficult to translate and pronounce, so Chinese shoppers, especially online, will often refer to them by nicknames instead. That makes it “easier to share and discuss a product on social media, or to talk about in person with sales staff,” the report notes.
Business of Fashion unpacked a few of these names, which are generally based on the way a product looks, a transliteration of the name, or a reference to pop culture–coupled, of course, with the cheeky sense of humor people have on platforms such as WeChat and Weibo. The result is coveted high-end handbags known locally by monikers such as the “killer” or “piglet.”
coveted ['kʌvitid]:adj.垂涎的;梦寐以求的
The killer 杀手包
In the 2011 movie Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, an assassin named Sabine Moreau—played by actress Léa Seydoux, who also starred in a commercial for Prada’s “Candy” fragrance that year— carries a Prada Saffiano Lux tote. That cameo earned the bag the nickname of the “killer” in China.
在2011年上映的电影《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》中,一个名叫萨比娜·莫罗的杀手背着一个普拉达的Saffiano Lux手提包。这款包由此在中国获得了“杀手包”的绰号。这一配角由女星蕾雅·赛杜扮演,当年她还出演了普拉达的糖果香水广告。
assassin [ə'sæsɪn]:n.刺客,者
The catfish 鲶鱼包
The belt that gives Celine’s Belt bag its actual name dangles down on each side, giving the bag a distinctive look that resembles the face of a catfish—the name by which the bag is often known.
The dumpling 饺子包
Longchamp’s Le Pliage bag took its inspiration from origami. But the bag’s shape recalls a different inspiration to luxury consumers in China: a dumpling.
珑骧Le Pliage包的灵感源自折纸艺术。但这种包的形状让中国奢侈品消费者产生了不同的灵感:饺子。
origami [,ɒrɪ'gɑːmɪ]:n.折纸工艺
The piglet 小猪包
Sometimes it’s not the look of a bag but the sound of its name that prompts shoppers to give it a new title. Chloé dubbed its bag the Drew, a name that sounds similar to the Chinese word for “pig,” hence its renaming as the “piglet” bag.
The wonton 馄饨包
Gabriela Hearst’s Nina bag is another that bears a strong resemblance to food. In this case, it’s a wonton.
McKinsey’s report notes that the great majority of Chinese luxury shoppers born in the 1980s and 1990s only made their first luxury purchase within the last three years. They may not be intimately familiar with the foreign brands they’re buying from, or the preferred names those brands give their products.
But the nicknames aren’t only used by young shoppers. “They’ve become the Chinese name for certain products,” Tao Liang, a major Chinese influencer (or KOL, aka key opinion leader, as they’re known in China) called Mr. Bags told Business of Fashion.
“For example, when you ask someone about Le Pliage, they might not know what it is, but when you mention Longchamp’s ‘Dumpling Bag’ they’ll get it, even if they’re not hardcore fashion fans.”
“比如说,如果你问别人知不知道Le Pliage包,他们也许根本不知道是哪款,但如果你提到珑骧的‘饺子包’,他们就懂了,即便他们不是硬核时尚粉丝。”