


然而,虽然流量很大,物流也便宜,但运营过程中,卖家遇到困难并不少。比如语言问题就是第一大障碍, 日本客户很看重客服服务的专业性和时效性,很多卖家在这一点上很难把握好。




01 什么是亚马逊日语客服服务(CSBA)

该服务全称为Customer Service by Amazon,主要是为在亚马逊日本站开店的中国卖家提供的客户服务。亚马逊客服团队会代替卖家,用日语为日本客户提供卖家自配送订单相关的客户服务。让你的自配送订单也可以享受如同亚马逊自营商品、亚马逊FBA订单一样的客户服务体验,从而降低交易索赔、退换货率和订单缺陷率,减轻卖家客户服务负担和费用,帮助卖家在日本站的业务快速成长。

02 CSBA的适用范围


03 CSBA的优势







04 CSBA收费标准





登录卖家后台→设置→账户信息→您的服务→Customer Service By Amazo→注册此服务。




1. 平均交易索赔率(A-to-Z Claim)相比上线前降低42%

2. 平均订单缺陷率(Order defect)相比上线前降低38%

3. 平均客户差评率(Negative feedback)相比上线前降低37%

4. 平均客户退货率(Return rate)相比上线前降低30%

5. 平均买家消息反馈时长,快6倍

6. 平均客户差评率(Negative feedback)相比上线前降低37%

7. 98%的CSBA卖家对CSBA的日语服务以及客户反馈表示非常满意



除了日语客服服务可以享受90天免费试用外,上周亚马逊还将Project Zero打假计划扩展到日本站。

Project Zero服务在日本站上线

据悉,Project Zero服务最早在美国站推出,今年8月份才将服务访问扩展至欧洲站。

长期以来,日本站也一直存在不少假冒产品,很多消费者都想亚马逊报告了此问题。船长BI了解到,上周,亚马逊宣布在日本站启动Project Zero服务。

(图源Project Zero官网)

船长还获悉,目前日本一些品牌已开始使用该服务,松下,虹膜大山,任天堂,索尼互动娱乐,iRobot,川崎重工,宝藏(Takara Tomy),达达里奥(Dadario)等都参与其中,打击假冒产品。

相信很多卖家对于Project Zero的三大功能服务已经都有了解过,自动保护功能和自助仿冒产品移除工具已经向日本站卖家开放,产品序列化功能或于2020年上半年才能使用。







每年大型节日季,比如黑五、圣诞节前后,“Amazon封号”的问题几乎成了各大卖家最常见也最棘手的问题。当然,亚马逊是不会无缘无故就对卖家进行封号处理,只要不违反平台规则,不触碰亚马逊的底线,账号还是比较安全的。但是,如果遇到在上架产品后,满心期待等待爆单,这时候突然收到官方发来的小红旗,提示Amazon has removed your selling privileges,此时我们应该怎么办呢?很多卖家在一时间慌了手脚迷茫不知所措。


仲 裁:当双方因争议不能达成一致,自愿找一个公认的第三方来裁决。在美国,这个第三方一般就是指美国仲裁协会3A (America Arbitration Association)。亚马逊对卖家的态度是严苛而强硬,可以无理由进行封店,而仲裁,就是拒绝不合理惩罚的一种有效途径。


诉 讼:诉讼其实就是走法律途径了,双方需要依靠法院判决来解决争议。但是,亚马逊卖家面临的法律诉讼往往没有这么复杂,多数情况依靠庭外和解就能成功解决问题。庭外和解是一个协商博弈的过程,是否能达成和解?和解的赔偿标准是什么?都和卖家的利益息息相关。建议还是委托给专业的律所,让他们去和权利方沟通协商,虽然需要付律所服务费,但是效果肯定要好于自己去联系。

申 诉:是亚马逊卖家面临账号问题的首选,申诉的优势就是快、便宜。理论上来说,亚马逊各种被封的账号都可以尝试通过申诉的方式来解决。但是现实并非如此。有些申诉了N多次,以及那种出现“你的账号已经被永久停用”就要选择其他方式。申诉要交给专业申诉人员操作。就目前中国市场这边,其实有很多的申诉团队,而各自的侧重点又有所不同,有些对操作评论申诉基本上一天就能成功,有些对绩效方面的申诉经验丰富,两天就能成功,另外还有模板申诉、方案申诉、还有一些如侵权、售假等则利用亚马逊漏洞来进行申诉等等。如果申诉失败,还可以通过可信渠道进行特殊方式强取款。您遇到申诉的问题可以联系我们唐诚国际财税帮您做专业的解答,同时,唐诚国际财税也将毫无保留地教您如何成功申诉回账号。


1. 账号失联You have used more than one account to sell on our site.










2. 售卖违禁品Your account has been linked to the listing or sale of restricted products:




(第一步:简单问候,列出涉事ASIN)亲爱的亚马逊,您好,最近我们收到一封来自你们团队的通知,通知中指出我们售卖了亚马逊禁售的商品,以下是相关产品的 ASIN:XXX,XXXXXX,XXX Hello, dear Amazon,

Recently we received a notification from you, which indicates that we have uploaded the listing of "Restricted Products"here are the ASIN codes of these products: ASIN:http://XXXXXXXXX.XXX





2.在上架 listing之前没有查询相关的资料或者咨询亚马逊的专业客服,盲目地将禁售产品投放到市场

We are sorry that we made this stupid mistake without understanding policy of Amazon before uploading the listing, we have rethink this mistake profoundly these days and we found the reasons why we made this mistake:

1. As a new seller on Amazon. we didn't know much about Amazon's restricted products policy and we didn’t learn the important policy proactively.

2. We didn't look up the related information or consult the professional Amazon service team before uploading the products, and we have launched the prohibited products on market blindly.

3. (第三步:知错就改,告诉亚马逊我们已采取的措施)





4. Once we received the notification from Amazon, we took these methods to make up for this mistake:

1.We have searched for "Restricted Products" and"Listing Restrictions"in Seller Help immediately with the help of Amazon team and we have learned the detailed policy of Amazon.

2. We have deleted the listings and products of Amazon's restricted and prohibited products promptly.

3.We stopped the plan of sending FBA inventory to Amazon and put an end to the sale of Amazon's restricted and prohibited products.








But these methods are not enough to maintain compliance of the future selling, so we promise Amazon the following plans that we won't sell Amazon's restricted and prohibited products in the future:

1.When we develop the new product, we not only need to research the consumption habits of the target market, but also need to study the laws of the local countries and Amazon's policy.We will obey the law and policy strictly and avoid selling restricted and prohibited products that violate laws and policy.

2.When we choose a product to sell,we will avoid these products such as liquid, powder,magnetic products and other products that may violate Amazon policy, and we won't upload Amazon's restricted and prohibited products anymore including but not limited to XXXX.

3. Before uploading products, we will search for"Restricted Products"and "Listing Restrictions" in Seller Help and contact enthusiastic, professional and efficient Amazon Seller Support to know the newest policy and the necessary identification of products, which will help us to avoid to make the same mistake.

4.We will choose the best supplier of products and test the product quality strictly, and provide our customers the better quality products and the best customer service to boost their confidence of Amazon.



We sincerely hope you can give us a chance and restore our Amazon Sellers Account, we will reflect on this mistake seriously and learn from experience.We will avoid selling restricted and prohibited products again, we will ensure our behaviors and our products comply with all applicable laws and Amazon policies, and we will operate our hard-won Amazon account legally to provide a better shopping experience to every Amazon buyer!



3.客户开了 A-Z 和信用卡拒付

Dear Amazon,

We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension.

I understand that recently our performance has fallen below Amazon's target

After checking our ODR, we find that the main reason that cause A TO Z claims

and charge back is that buyer claim they did not receive the package,while

the tracking number shows it was delivered.High ODR rate is caused by bad

logistic service.

Steps we have taken and will continue to take:

1.we have changed our logistics company,we have found a better efficiency logistics company to offer the better service,we will ensure every customer can receive their package.

2.We will use FBA to fulfill part of our orders.

3.We have and will continue to offer great purchase experience to the customers.

4.We have checked all the products we've been sold,and removed the product

that may have problems, we will continue to do this to offer the best service to

the customer

5.Improving our service level;a.Answer the customer's message within 24 hours.

b.Reply to the buyer’s inquiry as soon as possible.Try our best to meet buyer's needs.c.For negative feedback be patient to contact with the customer figure out a

good solution and keep in touch with the customer.

d.After-sale service,support what we can do to help the customer to remove

doubts about our product.

e.Upgrading our operating level and taking a more professional attitude.

Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account we are looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

4.ODR 过高,导致自发货权限被取消及移除销售权限

1)Dear Amazon Team,

Thank you for giving us a chance to state our detailed and plans about precise solutions

regarding shipments.We will show you how we resolve this kind of problems in the future. Please investigate us because it is Amazon’s rights.We have a confidence in becoming a good seller when we avoid defects later.

1.Why our account is locked

2.How to correct the problem

(1)We will make a better inventory management to avoid the occurrence of

any short supply.

(2)We will confirm dispatch every day and do our best to decrease the Late

Dispatch Rate,improving our account performance to a large extent.

(3)We will increase the ability to handle emergencies, such as power failure

which can lead to no access to Internet.

(4) We will...

3.How to avoid this problem in the future



(3)We will inform customers of the latest delivery news so that they can know

about the status of the items they buy.Moreover we will ….

(4)As for the delivered but non-receipt items we will communicate with

customers positively and apologize to them first to acquire their forgiveness. Moreover, we will...

(5)As a new seller who lacks selling experience on Amazon, we will.

(6)We will spend much time on inventory management,..

(7)We will choose FBA as our shipping delivery which can decrease the rate

of complaints to a large extent.We will...

(8)We are ...

4.About our currency metrics

As for our currency metrics, we will obey all Amazon rules and regulations to build a healthy account. We will .….

5.Our information:

Thank you very much to give us a chance to show our detailed plans about how to prevent

complaints and other problems.We will…We are looking forward to your news. We are happy to

provide any other additional information as you request.Furthermore, may you have a good day.

Best Regards

2)Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team.

We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon, com has fallen below both Amazon’s and our own standards of quality.

I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-Z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of <1%.

Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously, the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.

Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:

1.Review a 11 of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.

2.Most importantly, we wiII complete the investigation more quickly and proactively (within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A~z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours

http://3.In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.



Dear Amazon Team,

It has been brought to our attention that our selling account has been suspended due to claims that we have listed inauthentic items.This is very alarming to us and we immediately investigated the claims.What we determined is that we were actually not selling counterfeit items,but we didn’t have the permission to represent and sell these items as new.We were able to determine our mistake by researching the Policies and Agreements of Amazon and questioning fellow sellers on Amazon seller forums.We certainly did not intend to infringe upon on the intellectual rights of others.The ASIN listed was an item that we purchased at full retail price.We only had one of this item and we had no intention of misrepresenting this company.We have realized that we have several other items that violate this policy in our inventory and we need to address this immediately.

Here is our plan of action to avoid future problems

-First we will thoroughly review all Amazon Policies and Agreements

-next we are going to examine every item we have listed and make sure we

have the proper credentials to sell these items as new on Amazon.

-any items that we do not have invoices for will be changed to and sold in used

condition or through other selling channels

-Finally we put measures into place to constantly monitor newly listed inventory by me personally to avoid infringement on others property rights.

Please know that these policy violations were not intentional and we do apologize to any parties that we infringed upon.We have been happily selling on Amazon for nearly 2 years and after some initial start up bumps, we have been able to keep great metrics and provide great products to many happy customers.

I hope you realize that we are sincere in our intentions and hope to be selling on Amazon again soon. Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards



Dear Amazon,

Thank you very much for giving me a chance to appeal the removal of our Amazon selling privileges .Please see

our following information.

Our selling privileges has been removed by Amazon on August,11th,2016. Amazon removed our selling privileges

because some of our listings violated related Amazon policies especially infringed intellectual property rights of some rights holders.

First,we apologize...


Third,as for the violated brands ********and violated ASINs:*******.

1.Why Amazon removed our selling privileges

(1) Amazon thinks those products are related to brand intellectual property


(2)Everyone should respect other rights holders legal interests...

2.How we solve the problem and prevent the mistakes happen again



(3) We apologize to the rights holders and to Amazon with our sincerity on

behalf of our whole company again.

We promise we correct our mistakes. Please trust us and give us a chance.

3.Additional information we need let Amazon know that we are a new company.





We have supplied the essential materials ….

Best Regards


We are contacting you regarding our seller account suspension.We realize the delays in shipping orders has not complied with Amazon's performance target of less than 4%, nor our target of less than 2%.

We have reviewed our fulfillment procedures and have determined the two

areas that need to be addressed:Shipment Creation and Inventory Availability.

We realize we needed additional support for managing fulfillment for our

Amazon orders. To achieve our goal of more than 98% on-time shipping we have added additional staff to support the sales person in our retail store who handles Amazon fulfillment.This will allow us to have packages prepared and ready to ship more efficiently

To address inventory availability issues we have consolidated our Amazon inventory into one location to speed shipment creation.Having all Amazon inventory at one location will eliminate delays in getting product out by the Expected Ship Date.

Thank you for considering this appeal.

l 以下是邮件的基本结构:

Dear Seller Performance Team

I received a notification from Amazon because I was related to an account that might not be used for sales, so I canceled the store's sales.


I immediately queried my Amazon account information.

First of all, as a new seller of Amazon, we lack understanding of Amazon rules and do not seriously understand Amazon's rules and contraband. Sorry,I deleted all products uploaded by Amazon.

I hope that Amazon can take this into consideration.


If I resume the sales right, my after-sales plan is as follows:

1: First,I will read and understand Amazon's detailed sales rules and the scope of products sold very carefully.

2: I will carefully check the inventory and the products I sell,whether there are products that do not meet Amazon's requirements.

Once found, it will be deleted immediately and will not be sold again.

3: For any new products sold in the future,if there is any uncertain information,I will consult Amazon immediately and will not blindly sell.

The above is my response to Amazon's cancellation of the sale rights.I hope that Amazon can provide me with the opportunity to change again.We will do our best to sell in the future of Amazon with the most serious attitude.

We will build up our own ERP to manage the running for Amazon selling. To control customer services and shipping services with accurate data.


Sincerely, we write this. We will try our best to provide our sales on Amazon. We believe Amazon will give this issue serious consideration, and to us, there is hope, a new chance! We will always provide good products and services to customers on Amazon selling.

Looking forward to your reply.







Ø 亚马逊账号侵权投诉


Ø 侵权卖家第一次申诉


Ø RO撤诉或要求RO的联系方式


Ø 非侵权申诉


Ø 货不对版申诉


Ø 卖家绩效申诉


Ø 禁限售账户申诉


Ø 非侵权申诉的关键词

Product Detail Page Abuse/Tampering

Incorrect Variations Abuse

Ø 亚马逊VE申请邮件:


Ø 审核卖家评级表现:


Ø 品牌外观专利侵权:


Ø 知识产权侵权解决后撤诉


UK:notice@amazon .http://co.uk

FR:notification@amazon .fr

DE:benachrichtigung@amazon .de

IT:notifica@amazon .it

ES:aviso@amazon .es

IN: notice@amazon

MX:notice@amazon .mx

Ø 亚马逊账号冻结后的余额处理:


Ø 店铺被关闭货款申诉邮箱


CA:payments-investigate@amazon .ca

UK:payments-investigate@amazon .http://co.uk

FR:investigation-amzpayments@amazon .fr

DE:payments-nachforschungen@amazon .de

IT:payments-investigate@amazon .it

ES:investigacion-pagos@amazon .es


MX:payments-funds@amazon .mx

Ø 受恶意攻击或者敲诈邮件:

标题:「feedback abuse report」 + 「卖家店铺名」发送到:investigate@amazon

Ø 产品质量(PQ)问题申诉 (例如产品被下架)


UK:seller-performance-policy@amazon .http://co.uk

FR:politique-performance-vendeur@amazon .fr

DE:verkaeufer-performance-richtlinie@amazon .de

IT:performance-venditore-politiche-di-condotta@amazon .it

ES:politicas-performance-vendedor@amazon .es


MX:politicas-performance-vendedor@amazon .mx

Ø 亚马逊各站点绩效团队邮箱:

US: seller-performance@amazon

UK: seller-performance@amazon .http://co.uk

FR: performance-vendeur@amazon .fr

DE: verkaeufer-performance@amazon .de

JP: alliance@amazon .http://co.jp

ES: performance-vendedor@amazon .es

IT: performance-venditore@amazon .it

CA: seller-performance@amazon .ca


l 亚马逊申诉一般多久?亚马逊不回复申诉邮件怎么办





l 写信之后仍然申诉不成功怎么办?



  能否提取封闭账户的资金,需要根据亚马逊对账户的违规行为进行评估。 如果因刷单、侵权、恶意跟卖等严重违规行为,申诉不成功的,资金将难以取回。




1) “Inventory”-“Manage FBA Inventory”;

2) 勾选需要移除的SKU,上方”Apply to * Selected Item(s):”,下拉菜单中选择”Create removal order”,点击”Go”;

3) 填写美国境内移回商品的地址,和移除商品的数量,点击”Continue

4) 核查无误后,点击”Place order”


  账号被封后,剩下的产品库存该怎么办?通常的处理方式是寻找海外仓服务,将库存转移到海外仓库,可以退回国内或进行分销、销毁。联系亚马逊付款的邮箱:payments-investigate@amazon ;询问你的产品清单,告诉他需要移除库存,他会给你一个产品清单和移除库存的费用,如果你的账号余额不足的话会给你一个亚马逊的收款账号,你按要求把钱转过去,然后再回邮件告诉他,把地址给他,就给你移除了。



